
Martyn G3UKV gets 2 Microwave awards

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Martyn is very active on the Microwave bands most weekends taking to the hills in all sorts of weather with his sub-23cm gear and takes part in many contests. He represents TDARS and recently was awarded 2 cups for his efforts during the last year.

The awards were made at the UKuG Round Table on the 19th June but Martyn couldn’t make it so Heather accepted them on his behalf.

Heather M0HMO the trophy manager of the UK microwave Group (UKuG) brought along the cups to present them to Martyn at a recent TDARS meeting.

The awards are:

The Dave Cox, G0RRJ Memorial Trophy – Telford & District Amateur Radio
Society G3ZME/P
For the leading entry in the 24GHz Cumulatives (there are 4 contests in
the year, best 3 scores count)

The Tim Leighfield, G3KEU Trophy – Joint winners: Dave Austen
G1EHF/P and Telford & DARS G6ZME/P
For the leading entry in the 5.7GHz Cumulatives contest. (There are 5
contests in the year, best 3 normalised scores count)

For the 24GHz ones, Martyn usually operates on his own from Brown Clee. On one of these roaming exercises Martyn worked Hather and managed to set their longest 24GHz DX (174Km) and have managed a few QSOs from Winter Hill which were around 127Km

Well done Martyn G3UKV – anyone interested in getting active on microwave frequencies please have a chat with Martyn at a club meeting. All are welcome and support is appreciated on the day.

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