24GHz activity by Martyn G3UKV on Brown Clee
Having won the UK microwave group’s 24 GHz Trophy contest in 2020, Martyn G3UKV returned to his favourite haunt on the exposed summit of the Brown Clee hill in Shropshire. The first of the 2021 series took place in mid-May, and since the weather forecast was so atrocious, he decided to set up his 24G station in the back of his vehicle, at the expense of not having 360 deg. coverage.
Midland activity is very low on this band, and several paths to the south would not co-operate, but the best DX of the day was to Barry G4SJH/P on Walbury Hill in Berkshire – a distance of almost 150 Km. There is a local beacon, GB3ZME, in Telford on this esoteric band, which was established in 2010 by Telford &DARS members at their HQ, and is a valuable resource when testing out equipment at this extremely high frequency of 24048 MHz.
Martyn G3UKV’s station on top of Brown Clee operating on 24GHz
TDARS meets at Little Wenlock village hall subject to government restrictions – at this time in May 2021 we have been running virtual meetings for over a year, but are returning to normality as allowed. if you are interested in becoming a member go here for how to here to join TDARS