
TDARS meeting June 30 at Little Wenlock village field

As part of gradual moves back to normality we are having a face to face meeting at the Little Wenlock village field, which is at the back of the Huntsman pub. There is cover at the bottom of the field should it rain.

Come along from 7.30pm – parking is available at the Huntsman pub but please park at the village hall and walk up. We will try and monitor S20 (145.5) and the club net frequency 144.6 for anyone needing talk-in or talk to some of us there.

You’re welcome to bring along gear to demonstrate (provide your own power) or have a chat, catch up and bring your latest news.

The location is shown below but for travelling there is a Google link below to find your way there.

Thanks to Google maps for the map background above.
Follow this link for Google map showing location

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