Guernsey 2016 DxPedition 24-29 June
Just look at the weather
When: June 24-29
Travel : Poole to Guernsey and return.
Ferry cost: 2 adults plus vehicle £335 total return cost for average car.
Ferry Foot passenger – if you make your own way to/from ports £75.
Camp Locations: We expect to go where we stayed in 2011 and 2012 – next to the north-west coast. A nice, quiet, private field next to the cliffs and clear take-off to the UK. The landowner is very accommodating, and a couple of shops are a short drive away.
We have 3 or 4 TDARS tents (+ loo tent!), but many bring their own, especially for overnight or family members sleeping.
Hotel accommodation. For those who prefer/need a hotel to stay in, there is the Imperial Hotel, about a mile from the camp site. The going rate is £47.50 B & B according to their website. It was a very nice hotel, and we used the bar/restaurant several lunchtime/evenings when not radio-ing.
What you do: Well, that’s entirely up to you, and what equipment you bring. There are lots of things to do on the island, apart from A.R.
The islanders have a great interest in the WW2 German Occupation – and there are some very interesting relics from those years.
The beaches are excellent, and of course the WX is usually warmer than here.
A Google search of Guernsey will give you loads of ideas and information.
If the dates don’t suit you 100%, you could always come later/earlier, or stay longer/shorter.
Radio activity: GP3ZME/P and GP6ZME/P (or your own call MUxxxx/GUxxxx) are worth +15 dB of signal strength, of course. on any band. We are doing microwave contests on Sunday and Tuesday, and there are 4m and 6m contests too on Sunday/Tuesday UKAC. The world is your oyster at RF!
Video of the visit made in 2011
If you’ve never come on a TDARS DX-pedition before, why not give it a try? Guernsey really is a rather fantastic place. Family can come too. For further information, just ask.
All information from Martin G3UKV