SSTV from space on the ISS
SSTV transmissions will be starting again on the ISS for a limited time, with a bit of luck we should be able to hear these tomorrow and if you heard Tim Peake talking on your hand held radio then you might well be able to decode the signals using nothing more sophisticated than your mobile phone, the images of course will not be as great as if you have a beam etc, however it is certainly possible to use a roof collinear and a pc or laptop. Free software for your windows computer is MMSSTV look it up on the internet ( ), your microphone on the computer will be sufficient – just remember to keep quiet!! All transmissions will be in FM mode.
As always this page we cannot take cannot accept responsibility for any downloads that cause problems to your computer – all I can say is that I have installed onto my machine and it seems to be ok.
For full details please see the ARISS page
Good luck decoding, see if you can upload your images to the facebook page.