Telford Hamfest
Sunday 1st September 2024
We have a new larger sports hall for the Hamfest – more room, more tables, more space between!
Sunday 1st Sept. 2024 Telford HamFest. Harper Adams University near Telford TF10 8NB – a really superb venue
Opening 10:15 am. Admission £5 (Children up to age 16 free)
One visitor said “I think it is an excellent Rally – almost better than the National Rally. . . . and an exhibitor said The venue is great; we are looking forward to joining you again next year.“
PLEASE NOTE:- August 31 – September 1st 2024:G-QRP Club are again joining us with a Saturday Buildathon/Buffet and annual Convention that weekend. http://www.gqrp.com/convention.htm
- Easy travel access *
- Unlimited free parking on site *
- Effective lighting *
- On-site catering *
- Larger Sports Hall for 2024*
- G-QRP presentations -see Special Features
Telford & District A.R.S. announce that the 18th Telford Hamfest will take place this year in September. We are indebted to the staff at HAU for making this outstanding venue available again.
A list of Exhibitors for 2023 can be found on the left hand Navigation Menu. As Bookings are made, this will be regularly updated for 2024. The HamFest opening time will be 10:15.
The Special Features page is also worth checking out. There will be something there for everyone, with 3 excellent presentations organised by G-QRP Club featuring guest speakers.
Talk-in station GB4THF 145.550 MHz FM
The usual Flea Market will be located by the main car park, approaching the exhibition Hall. More sellers took advantage of this facility in 2023. Tables are available at just £10 each on a first-come-first-served basis. Some car boot selling space will be available adjacent to the main car park. An advance phone call would be very helpful in planning space.
The Committee and club at TDARS are working hard in preparation for a safe and successful 2024 event.
The venue offers more than just a traditional radio rally and we have developed a good reputation both from our exhibitors and visitors for careful preparation and organisation on the day.
The venue is just a short distance (10 miles) north of the M54 (Jct 3) and is easily accessed from other trunk roads: SatNav code TF10 8NB. See location tab for more detailed directions.
From feedback and given our experience over the years, most available space will be booked prior to the event. We anticipate that a good day will be had by all. You are welcome to respond on Twitter – “X” (@g3zme) or Facebook (telfordhams).